The Movement

Movement: We’re not a committee, a church planting organization, or a meeting. We seek to create movement by fostering a movement that follows the Spirit’s movement – always seeking where Jesus is leading us to make the next MOVE in our lives, our churches, and the Northeast.

Committed leaders: Members are “in” because they want to be. We are committed not only to our own church, but also to kingdom growth. Clear criteria for participation will help the uncommitted self-select out.

High impact churches: This is no time for business as usual. Move Northeast is about churches that are producing fruit: making disciples, impacting the world, growing.

Synced: We are on the same page and have enough overlap in our perspective that we don’t have to waste energy with misunderstandings and arguments about ancillary matters that often mark teams which are not in sync. We work with high trust = high output = high impact. There is nothing more energizing than alliance with like-minded others in the most important work in the world.

Exponentially expand God’s kingdom: We are not content to measure ourselves against other churches. Our metric is impact in our mission field, and influence on lost people around us right here, right now. To us, change by addition is not enough; we seek exponential reproduction and substantive change in people.

Heart for and focus on the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic region. This is our region, our home, our mission field. We care about and have ownership of it — and see our responsibility as larger and more weighty than merely leading “my” church. Our hearts ache to see transformation in this section of the Mid-Atlantic.

Partnerships: We are all about collaboration, syncing, creating synergy. No turf wars, no politics, no agendas. Just a “whatever it takes” attitude and a conviction that we’re better together and truly need each other to see something new MOVE in the Northeast.

Mentoring: We pour ourselves out and into leaders. Those with experience, insight and blessing share it. Mentoring is marked by coaching, a spirit of open-handedness, generosity, kingdom-mindedness.

Mutual learning: We can all learn from each other. Each of us has something we’re good at and need to share it. MOVE helps us all get better.

Launch new churches: Because it is still the most effective means of seeing the Kingdom come and expand. We ache with a common dream to see a movement of healthy, reproducing churches all working together throughout Baltimore, DC, and the entire Mid-Atlantic. To accomplish this we need to launch more churches!

Grow fast, be healthy, reproduce leaders: Healthy churches are churches that CAN and SHOULD reproduce. Because of MOVE, the churches we lead will be stronger and better. We will be better leaders, always ready to make the next God-directed MOVE.